Saturday, January 18, 2014

SSH connection from host to guest VM

Settings -> Network -> Adapter X -> Attached to "NAT" -> Advanced -> Port Forwarding -> insert new rules -> Host Port: 2222, Guest Port: 22
Connect via ssh:
ssh -l userid -p 2222 localhost/

Instead of "NAT" mode, you can also use "Bridged" mode to let VM get its own IP, then connect directly to guestIP without port forwarding:
ssh -l userid guestIP

BTW, guest machine can be started headlessly by:
VBoxManage startvm "VM name" --type headless
VBoxHeadless --startvm <uuid|name>
VBoxManage startvm runs the VM directly as a background process, while VBoxHeadless can provide detailed messages of the started VM.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Re-queue Analysis on BaseSpace

I came across this new function in BaseSpace: Fix sample sheet and re-queue run analysis.
BaseSpace includes many functions like Sequence Analysis Viewer, allowing user to view the run itself. Apps are available to perform analysis (at a cost). But BaseSpace lacked a important function MiSeq Reporter (MSR) provides - to modify the sample sheet of a finished run and rerun the analysis. This is especially helpful when you find the sample sheet has incorrect information, e.g. wrong sample id/index information. Fortunately, Illumina make this option available now.
However there is one important limitation: You can only re-queue once per run. So think twice before you click that button.